Welcome! Communication with parents and patrons is vital to us. We not only want you to know what we are doing, but we also want to hear from you. Historically, St. John’s has been connected to the community by providing a quality Christian education to the children of Laurel and by maintaining high goals of excellence and achievement for the past seventy years. The traditions of past years, like the Maypole, Flowering of the Cross, and Eaglefest, are essential to the St. John’s family, but we embrace technology that will help us continue our progress. As our new mission statement attests, “St. John’s Day School combines Christian beliefs, rich traditions, and enhanced educational opportunities to create a family atmosphere in which students acquire the skills, habits, and traits of lifelong learners and productive citizens.”
Please contact us if you have questions about our school’s offerings.
We are now accepting applications for preschool! School wide open house on Thursday, April 4th, from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m.